Principal's Corner

Anita Gaines, Principal
[email protected]
Weekly Wrap Up at West Side For Parents/Guardians- 9/9/24

Good morning! Our students are off to a wonderful start. We want to thank all of the parents that submitted ballots and voted for members of our LSGT (Local Student Governance Team). Ms. Payne and Mrs. Ramey will serve as parents on our LSGT team.


  • Information about Birthday Treats: Please contact the teacher in advance if you want to send in birthday treats. We can only have store bought birthday treats. Due to allergies and the safety of students, we cannot give out homemade items.
  • AT WSE students participate in safety drills. We have fire drills, severe weather drills, and we also have intruder drills. We will have our first intruder drill later this month. During this drill, students will practice what to do if there was an intruder in the building. Unfortunately, this is a reality we must prepare for, even with our young students. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.
  • Soon we will celebrate grandparents by inviting Grandparents to come have breakfast with their grandchild(ren). The dates will be as follows: September 23 (kindergarten and 1st), September 25 (2nd ad 3rd), and September 27 (4th and 5th). A flyer should have been sent home in Thursday folders. Please RSVP by September 13th. Please pay the day of the event. No credit/debit cards. The price is $3 per adult and $2 per visiting child. All of our students eat free!
  • Don't forget PTO's Movie Night on the Lawn this Friday! The movie begins 7:30. Concessions start at 7:00.


Every day on the announcements we will be reminding our students to practice our Braves PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) Expectations which are :

  • Have respect
  • Own our behavior
  • Work towards success

Please review these school wide expectations at home and encourage students to display them at school. Students can earn PBIS points and rewards at school for displaying appropriate behavior. They will be able to earn rewards with their points.


September 20th students will be dismissed at 11:00. Students will be served breakfast and lunch on this day before dismissal.

Just a few reminders:

  • Please plan on dropping students off in the car rider line. IMPORTANT: Please do NOT exit the vehicle during arrival/dismissal. If you need to exit the vehicle in the morning, please park in a spot and then walk your child in to the school. In the afternoon, you can pull up to the front if you need to exit your vehicle to assist your child with buckling.
  • Please read over the Beginning of the Year Information that was sent home (specific for WSE). Please sign any papers that you still have and return them to your child's teacher. The information we sent home includes important guidelines & procedures that we follow.
  • Doors open at 7:00am. Tardy Bell rings at 7:50am and announcements begin at 7:40amInstruction begins at 7:50 this year. Students need to be in their seats ready to learn at this time. If you have to drop your students off in the front of the building because they are tardy, you must walk your student in and sign them in. We would love to have students here by 7:35 so they can participate in announcements. We will count tardies this week. If the car rider line is closed. Please drive to the front to walk your student inside.If you would like to eat breakfast, ID will be required to enter the building and you must sign in at the front office. Your visitor sticker allows you entrance to the cafeteria only. After you eat, please let your child walk to class alone while you sign out at the front office and exit the building. This policy is for safety purposes. It is important that I know who is in the building and where they are.

In the afternoon, please remember that all students should be picked up by 3:00 pm unless they are enrolled with the YMCA at West Side.

Please make sure that you are connected to your child's teacher on Class Dojo!

There will be important information posted there throughout the year from teachers and administrators. If you have any concerns please feel free to reach out to your child's teacher. If you need to reach administration at any time, please reach out via email or phone call. Have a great week. We are thankful that you are a part of West Side where our mission is to ensure high levels of learning for all students!




Remember Attendance Matters. Once your child misses a certain number of days, please be aware that you will receive an attendance letter and could possibly be asked to attend an meeting to address the attendance issues. Please remember these letters are generated based on the number of absences your child accumulates.
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